Book Review: Boundaries, by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Review by Bob Johnson | 11.10.2023While ‘Boundaries’ has some helpful counsel, its application soon embodies the old adage “if you give a boy a hammer, the whole world becomes a nail.”
Book Review: Embracing Complementarianism, by Graham Beynon & Jane Tooher
By E. Wheeler, J. Manley | 11.02.2023‘Embracing Complementarianism’ by Graham Beynon and Jane Tooher offers a refreshing breeze of timely wisdom to the hot debate about gender distinctions.
Book Review: Gathered Together, by Karl Deenick
Review by Mark Redfern | 10.20.2023‘Gathered Together’ will reintroduce you to God’s glorious vision for his church and “stir you up by way of reminder.”
Book Review: Passing the Baton, by Jeremy Walker
Review by Brad Franklin | 10.16.2023One day, your race will be run, pastor. Who have you trained to take the baton?
Book Review: Pastor, Jesus Is Enough, by Jeremy Writebol
Review by Benjamin Vrbicek | 10.12.2023Through many dangers, toils, and snares, pastors need a constant reminder that Jesus is enough.
Book Review: Until Unity, by Francis Chan
Review by Taylor Hartley | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.15.2023Chan’s ‘Until Unity’ appeals for Christians to be united.
Books Review: The Wolf in Their Pockets, by Chris Martin
Review by Jason Thacker | 07.27.2023“The Wolf in Their Pockets” is full of wisdom for weary pastors who are wondering how to start these vital conversations in their communities about the role social media and technology play in the lives of their people.
Book Review: Association, edited by Ryan King & Andrew King
Review by Nathan Carter | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.20.2023“Association” is unique in the way it presents a deeply biblical vision for autonomous congregations working with each other.
Book Review: The Shepherd’s Toolbox, by Timothy Z. Witmer
Review by Phil Newton | 07.05.2023‘The Shepherd’s Toolbox’ gives practical counsel for “obstacles facing those who are committed to shepherding their flocks.”
Book Review: Exegetical Fallacies, by D.A. Carson
Review by Brian Vickers | 06.27.2023Carson’s book is an indispensable resource for the task of exegesis that stands the test of time.
Book Review: A Praying Church, by Paul E. Miller
Review by Gary Millar | 06.02.2023Miller mounts a convincing case that we really should be praying more and differently, and offers all kinds of pathways into change, which is a deeply valuable contribution.
8 Marks of Reformation Worship Services
Review by Mike McGregor | 05.26.2023If the Reformers could collectively speak to churches today about gathered worship, these lessons would be their core message.
Book Review: In the Fullness of Time, by Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Review by Jarrett Ford | 05.23.2023Those who wish to have access to Gaffin’s decades of experience teaching Paul and Acts now do in a mere 400-page book.
Book Review: On Earth as in Heaven, by Peter J. Leithart
Review by Dan Darling | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023Leithart’s view of the church’s mission roots in postmillennialism, which yields not just an optimism about the future, but risks placing an eschatological and redemptive burden on Christians’ work in the world.
Book Review: Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America, by Crawford Gribben
Review by Joseph Thigpen | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023After reading Gribben’s account, one matter is clear—these are not your father’s (or grandfather’s) theonomists.