
The Shift from Authority to Preference—And Its Consequences for the Church

By Os Guinness | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

Our modern world tends to undermine all forms of authority other than its own and replaces them with the sense that all responses are merely a matter of preference.

Is There Such a Thing as Church Authority?

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

Here are seven points regarding the keys of the kingdom, and how local churches exercise authority through their use.

Delighting in Authority: How to Create a Culture of Happy Complementarians

By Whitney Woollard | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

It’s time for the church to create space in its local assemblies for strong females who happily affirm authority while advocating for more opportunities for women to flourish according to their gifts and qualification.

Is It Self-Serving to Teach on Your Own Authority?

By B. Johnson, J. Yong | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

We asked two pastors the question: Is it self-serving to teach on a pastor’s authority? If not, then how should you do it?

How a Roman Catholic View of Church Authority Compares to a Protestant View

By Gregg R. Allison | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

What’s the difference between a Protestant understanding of local church authority and a Roman Catholic one?

Authority, Not Authoritarian

By Taylor Turkington | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

As a woman deeply thankful for the calling and care of elders, I’d like to offer four questions that may help you recognize if you are drifting into domineering.

Authority and Its Abuse

By Shai Linne | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

The greater the degree of authority, the greater the pain inflicted when it is abused. If it’s devastating in the world, how much more so in the church of Jesus Christ?

Redeeming Authority for Those Who’ve Only Known Its Abuse

By Mez McConnell | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

As a pastor who has also suffered abuse, how do I respond to the abused sufferers and anti-authoritarian people in my care in a way that’s biblical, loving, and true to God’s revealed Word?

A Healthy Church Member Is a Humble Follower

By Thabiti Anyabwile | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

Leadership in the local church is established by God for the blessing of his people. However, for leadership to be effective, it needs to be encouraged and supported by the members of the church.

How New Elders Earn Authority

By Clint Humfrey | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.30.2016

How does a new elder earn that informal authority or trust that is crucial to leading a congregation?

Week 5—What Christians Should Do For Government: Engage with “Convictional Kindness”

By J. Leeman, N. Rodriguez | 09.26.2016

The truce between evangelical and Enlightenment thinking seems to be coming to an end. What does that mean for how a Christian engages in the public square?

Four Ways Pastors Can Better Help the Hurting in the Church

By Dave Furman | 09.22.2016

Point people to Christ, and let their weary souls be nurtured and find their rest in him.

The Abuse of Authority in Prosperity Gospel Churches

By D. A. Horton | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.21.2016

Prosperity gospel churches are seedbeds for abusive authority.

Don’t Be a 9Marxist!

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.16.2016

Here are fifteen marks that will keep you from being a “9Marxist,” that is, a church leader who abuses their authority.

Pastoring the Persecuted

By Colin Clark | 09.15.2016

What do you tell a persecuted Christian who has been beaten for their faith and they’re liable to be beaten again?