Caleb Morell
What Can a 424-Year-Old Book Teach Us about the Conscience?
By Caleb Morell | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020What can a 424-year-old book teach us about the conscience? And why does it matter for us today?
Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Movements, by Steve Addison
Review by Caleb Morell | 08.27.2020Addison’s proposal may create movements of “churches” that burn hot and fast, but I fear that they will not last.
What Did DC Churches Do When the Spanish Flu Struck Again?
By Caleb Morell | 05.11.2020Contrary to all expectations, the closing of churches for the month of October in 1918 did not result in decline and ruin, but in revitalization and growth.
How DC Churches Responded When the Government Banned Public Gatherings During the Spanish Flu of 1918
By Caleb Morell | 03.12.2020The influenza of 1918 provides an example of how churches in Washington DC responded to a public health crisis and government orders to close churches
Does the Book of Acts Teach Spontaneous Baptisms?
By Caleb Morell | 03.10.2020The claim that Acts demonstrates a uniform pattern of spontaneous baptisms is overstated.
Episode 118: On Spontaneous Baptisms (with Caleb Morell)
By C. Morell, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 03.10.2020Are spontaneous baptisms a good idea? Does the book of Acts prescribe them?
Nominal Christianity—Not Complementarianism—Leads to Abuse
By Caleb Morell | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 11.22.2019Conservative views on marriage and family are not sufficient in and of themselves to create healthy families and marriages. Church participation and membership make a huge difference.
Book Review: The Kingdom Unleashed, by Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine
Review by Caleb Morell | 11.21.2019Undergirding the entirety of The Kingdom Unleashed is the dangerous assumption that fast is good and that faster is better.
Good and Bad Ways To Think About Religion and Politics
By Caleb Morell | 01.24.2017All around us, from pulpits, to newspapers, to pop culture, we are surrounded by bad ways of thinking about religion and politics. How should Christian think about these things?