
Preaching to Women Who Work in the Home

By Bari Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Christians for the Workplace | 03.08.2013

To care well for the women in your church who work in the home, remember their curse, their context, and their culture.

Discipling: More than a Podcast Preacher

By Jonathan Dodson | 9Marks Journal: Discipling in the Church | 08.27.2012

Podcast sermons can never replace in-person spiritual fathers. Here’s how to recover a relationally mediated gospel.

His Arm Is Strong to Save: A Trajectory of Conversion in America

By Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion | 02.29.2012

How have Christians in different periods understood conversion and, more specifically, the means of conversion?

How Sunday School Can Help Your Preaching

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Don't Be Too Cool for Sunday School | 12.19.2011

Sunday School makes you a better systematic theologian, which in turn makes you a better applier of God’s Word.

What Makes a Church Reform Possible?

By John Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How | 10.27.2011

When a church is transformed, the gospel surges forward as the community is confronted with a genuine corporate witness for Christ.

A Roadmap for Church Reform

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How | 10.27.2011

Here’s a short roadmap on the road to church reform that might help you keep your bearings as you move forward.

Tips for an Interim Pastor

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

Above all else, interim pastors should do these two things: preach the Word and love the people.

How can a pastor make wise use of commentaries and other helps in sermon preparation?


A pastor can make wise use of commentaries and other scholarly helps in sermon preparation by using such tools as conversation partners, not as masters.

How? By spending your earliest and best time with the text itself. Meditate on the text. Pray through the text. Exegete the text thoroughly. Outline the text. Ask questions of the text and answer them all yourself before you consult any commentaries.

How can I make the most of the preaching I hear every week?

Throughout the week, meditate on the passage that will be preached on Sunday. Pray for your pastor as he prepares his sermon. Take notes on the text. Ask questions of the text. Pray through the text. Prepare for Sunday morning. On Saturday night or Sunday morning, pray for your upcoming opportunity to hear God’s Word preached. Pray that your heart would be soft and humble before it.

How can a pastor make unwise use of commentaries and other helps in sermon preparation?


A pastor can make unwise use of commentaries and other resources in sermon preparation if he allows them—rather than the text itself—to set his sermon’s agenda.

How important is knowing the original languages to preaching?


For a preacher, knowing the original languages can be likened to what Paul said to slaves about freedom: “If you can gain your freedom, do so. If not, be content with what you have” (1 Cor. 7:21, paraphrase). In other words, if you are able to learn the original languages, do so. They are a valuable tool. But such knowledge is not absolutely necessary for a preacher, for a number of reasons.

What are some tips for preparing a sermon on a tight schedule?

Expositional sermons take time to prepare, so you need to make time. You need to meditate on and exegete the text, understand the text’s main point and turn it into a sermon outline, carefully consider how to apply the text to your hearers’ lives, and then write a sermon. So the first thing to do is block out time in your schedule. As much as you can manage, make yourself unavailable for anything else.

How can I preach to people who are much older than me?

Preach the gospel. All people of all ages need to hear and believe and be reminded of God’s saving work in Christ. Preach about the sovereignty of God. All people of all ages need to be reminded that God alone rules over every circumstance of our lives.

How can I preach expositional sermons to uneducated hearers?


Teach your people why you preach expositionally. Consider preaching a sermon in which you explain the necessity and benefits of expositional preaching as well as how to listen to an … keep reading…

How can a preacher help his congregation to be dependent on the Word, and not his own personality?

Don’t spend too much time trying to be funny. It’s tempting to rely on humor to make an emotional connection with your congregation, but you should resist the urge. When humor “happens,” fine. But be careful: if you train your people to expect humor, that’s what they’ll desire instead of God’s Word.