
Is The Bible Too Complicated For Those Who Struggle To Read?

By Andy Prime | 01.01.2015

The importance of the perspicuity of the Scriptures is the clarity of the Saviour.

How I Select and Schedule Discipling Relationships 

By Greg Spraul | 12.23.2014

I’m not the Messiah, Jesus is, and I want Jesus to be the main thing for the person I disciple, not me or anyone else.

Book Review: Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin

Review by E. Bratcher | 12.09.2014

Of course a Christian woman’s life is very full. But maybe that’s not a good excuse for not digging into the Word in a meaningful way.

Books and Discipleship: A Conversation across Five Continents

By K. Mbugua, M. Dever, M. McConnell, R. Denham | 12.03.2014

Mark Dever interviews four men ministering across four continents: South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Book Review: Now That I’m a Christian, by Michael C. Patton

Review by Jon Saunders | 11.21.2014

Church, raise up young Christians. Don’t pass it off to a book. But then, take advantage of every possible good book out there to help make that happen.

Left Behind in America: Following Christ after Culture Wars

By Russell D. Moore | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.28.2014

The cultural tumult around us is no cause for either the clenching of the fists or the wringing of the hands.

Not Satisfied with Our Shepherding . . . Yet

By Bob Johnson | 10.22.2014

Church membership is not primarily for recruiting volunteers to make ministries run better. Church membership is a commitment to help one another make it to heaven.

Encourage One Another: Giving Grace with Your Words

By Garrett Kell | 09.24.2014

Encouragement is like oxygen in the life of a church. It keeps hearts beating, minds clear, and hands inspired to serve.

Book Review: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, by Don Whitney

Review by Chris Dendy | 09.12.2014

This updated and revised book will continue to do what its predecessor has done for nearly a quarter-century: serve the church.

Pastors’ Forum: Evangelism and Discipleship in the Local Church

By A. Duty, D. Furman, E. Bancroft, J. Rinne, J. Smuts, J. Worsley, M. Hoskinson, N. Knight | 09.03.2014

How can a pastor encouarge evangelism and discipleship in the life of the local church?

Should I Tell My Spouse about Struggles with Sexual Purity?

By Garrett Kell | 08.28.2014

Regardless of where you land on the spectrum, it is important for husbands and wives to develop a plan to help each other fight sexual temptation.

Six Principles For Youth Ministry

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.28.2014

Here are a few biblical principles that we should heed no matter what, and my sense is the many youth groups don’t heed them.

Nobody Gets the Church They Want

By Bobby Jamieson | 08.27.2014

Whatever might be on your want-list, I can guarantee this: not everything on your list is on God’s.

High Schoolers: What You Really Want In a College

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.27.2014

Christian, if there is no healthy church nearby, there’s another college for you—somewhere.

Why Disciple in Groups?

By Robby Gallaty | 08.26.2014

What has been your experience in a discipleship group? Does size matter? If so, how?