Alex Duke

2 Samuel 15:13–16:23: On David’s Exodus Reversal and Accidentally Stealing from C. S. Lewis (Bible Talk, Ep. 106)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.14.2024

A messenger comes to David and gives him bad news: “The hearts of the men of Israel have gone after Absalom.” Then David flees—and in doing so he fails as both father and king.

2 Samuel 14:1–15:12: On a Convoluted Conversation and a Kiss that Ends in a Coup (Bible Talk, Ep. 105)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.07.2024

Absalom is a smarmy guy who makes himself seem powerful and compassionate. King David, meanwhile, stays quiet while his kingdom nears collapse.

2 Samuel 13: On the Hateful Misanthrope and the Hateful Milquetoast (Bible Talk, Ep. 104)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 01.31.2024

The story of Amnon, Tamar, and the subsequent terrible fallout is ultimately a story about two fake loves. In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi talk through 2 Samuel 13.

2 Samuel 12: On Nathan’s Brave Parable, David’s Belated Repentance, and the LORD’s Merciful Response (Bible Talk, Ep.103)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 01.24.2024

At the beginning of 2 Samuel 12, King David is in a dark place. Even worse, he doesn’t seem to know it. By the end of 2 Samuel 12, he’s back where he belongs and he’s writing Psalm 51. Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss.

2 Samuel 11: On David, Bathsheba, and the Long-Awaited Avalanche (Bible Talk, Ep. 102)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 01.17.2024

For a while now, we’ve been tracking the avalanche in the distance. Now, with the story of David and Bathsheba, it’s finally here. In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi chat about 2 Samuel 11.

Best Books for Pastors in 2023

By Alex Duke | 12.29.2023

We asked pastors around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2023 that helped you be a better pastor?

2 Samuel 8–10: On Horse Math and Mephibosheth’s Honor in David’s Golden Age (Bible Talk, Ep. 101)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 12.06.2023

After the mountain top of 2 Samuel 7, we get David’s Golden Age. He’s successful, he’s subduing the LORD’s enemies, and he’s showing surprising mercy to helpless people like Mephibosheth. 

In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss 2 Samuel 8–10.

2 Samuel 7: On the Mountain Top of the Old Testament Which Teaches Us, Yet Again, That the Bible Is Amazing (Bible Talk, Ep. 100)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.29.2023

To celebrate our 100th episode, we did something a little different. But the conversation—on perhaps the mountain-peak of the whole OT—ended up at the same place: the Bible is amazing.

Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi chat about 2 Samuel 7.

2 Samuel 4–6: On Being Blameless in the Battlefield . . . But Not in the Bedroom (Bible Talk, Ep. 99)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.22.2023

After the squelching of Ish-bosheth’s insurrection, David is anointed king over a united kingdom and the nations are streaming to the city of Zion. And yet . . . the author wants us to know that something’s not quite right in the state of Israel. Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss 2 Samuel 4–6.

2 Samuel 1–3: On Bill Buckner’s Obituary, Ish-Bosheth’s Failed Coup Attempt, and a Parable of a Prodigal Soldier (Bible Talk, Ep. 98)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.15.2023

In 2 Samuel 1–3, the inaugural moments of King David’s reign are full of stomach-stabbings, failed coups, and heartfelt laments. And through it all, King David remains upright and unscathed. Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss.

1 Samuel 29–31: On the Rise of David and the Death of Saul, Which Is Also Anti-Evangelistic Beheading (Bible Talk, Ep. 97)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.08.2023

When you get to the end of 1 Samuel, you realize how Hannah’s prayer (1 Samuel 2:1–10) really does frame everything that’s to come. 

1 Samuel 26–28: On the Witch of Endor’s Surprising Success, the Ghost of Samuel’s Final Sermon, and the King of Israel’s Meal with the Devil (Bible Talk, Ep. 96)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.01.2023

When Saul stops hearing from the LORD, he gets so desperate that he decides to consult . . . a witch! It’s one of the most shocking stories in the Bible. In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about 1 Samuel 26–28.

1 Samuel 25: On a Fake King, a Sinful King, and the Biggest Argument in Bible Talk History (Bible Talk, Ep. 95)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 10.25.2023

In 1 Samuel 25, David is face-to-face with a foolish man who thinks he’s a king. As readers, we’re face-to-face with a vital question: What kind of king will David be? Alex, Jim, and Sam discuss (and have their biggest argument yet!).

1 Samuel 23–24: On that One Time King Saul Walked Down the Aisle and Prayed a Prayer (Bible Talk, Ep. 94)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 10.18.2023

The cat-and-mouse game between David and Saul continues and, in the quiet darkness of a cave in the wilderness, it reaches a shocking climax. We don’t get revenge. We get . . . a reunion?

In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about 1 Samuel 23–24.

1 Samuel 20–22: On the Ethics of Lying While Dodging the King’s Spears (Bible Talk, Ep. 93)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 10.11.2023

David’s now a fugitive on the run. But he’s not alone. He’s got the support of his best friend Jonathan. He’s gathered to himself Israel’s strugglers and stragglers. Oh, and he’s also got Goliath’s sword.

Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss 1 Samuel 20–22.