
Book Review: Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel, by A. S. Ibrahim

Review by J. Mack Stiles | 11.17.2022

‘Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel’ is an excellent practical, down-to-earth guide for sharing faith with a Muslim friend.

Book Review: God Shines Forth, by Daniel Hames & Michael Reeves

Review by Allen Duty | 11.04.2022

Hames and Reeves help us see that those who delight in God are eager to share him with others and aren’t deterred by their own evangelistic shortcomings.

How Did ‘Church Planting Movements’ Gain a Foothold Within the IMB?  

By Caleb Morell | 10.06.2022

In his book Strategy Coordinator: Changing the Course of Southern Baptist Missions, R. Bruce Carlton sets out to provide a historical analysis of what he considers the most significant shift within the strategy of the International Mission Board since its inception in 1845.

Book Review: Before You Share Your Faith, by Matt Smethurst

Review by J. Mack Stiles | 07.29.2022

Matt Smethurst consistently draws from Scripture throughout “Before You Share Your Faith” and calls us to more than an evangelistic method, but a lifestyle.

Book Review: The Primary Mission of the Church, by Bryan Estelle

Review by Alex DiPrima | 04.14.2022

Bryan Estelle should be commended for providing a substantive contribution to the conversation surrounding the church’s primary mission.

13 Pillars for Planting Healthy Churches

By Matt Rogers | 04.11.2022

What ingredients are necessary to plant healthy, strong, biblical churches—and sustain them?

What the Doctrine of Sin Means for Our Evangelism

By Trell Ross | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.16.2021

You cannot share the gospel of Jesus without mentioning the reality of sin. When we do, we deceive people about what the gospel is.

Book Review: We Evangelicals and Our Mission, by David Hesselgrave

Review by Mark Collins | 05.13.2021

It is not enough for us merely to identify the problems in the evangelical understanding of mission. With God’s help we need to take steps to strengthen churches at home so that we can plant stronger churches abroad.

Fisherman or Fishermen? Considering the Church’s Corporate Mission

By Matt Sliger | 04.26.2021

The mission of the church is in fact the mission of the church. Rather than merely being one person casting from a pier, it’s a host of men and women holding their part of the net.

Book Review: The Essence and Implications of Missio Dei, by Peter Pikkert

Review by Sam Martyn | 03.11.2021

A thousand institutions are carrying the banner of creation care, global debt relief, and affordable housing; only the church of Jesus Christ carries the banner of good news for those needing rescue from eternal suffering.

Should You Talk About Heaven When You Share the Gospel?

By Matthias Lohmann | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020

We should talk about heaven in our evangelism because it’s the ultimate goal of the gospel’s promise.

Biblical Eldership and Global Missions: A Vital and Necessary Union

By Phil Remmers | 11.24.2020

Divorcing ecclesiology from missiology has produced bad fruit. But there is hope. Scripture provides clear directions on how to move forward.

Book Review: Saturate, by Jeff Vanderstelt

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 07.23.2020

The gathered church equips saints to be in the world evangelizing the lost. A scattered church engages unbelievers and points them to the unique beauty of the Christian assembly. Confused roles compromise the church’s ability to fulfill the Great Commission.

The Danger of Sending Unqualified Missionaries

By John Folmar | 07.16.2020

What does John Folmar — the senior pastor of United Christian Church of Dubai in the Middle East — want to say to American churches and missions organizations?

Send Missionaries & Inspire Senders

By John Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020

Here are three practical ways our congregations can be staging areas for gospel advancement into the unreached places of the world.