
What’s Right About Elders? Part 2 of 2 on Finding a Pastor

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

Click here for the first of two articles: “What’s Wrong with Search Committees? Part 1 of 2 on Finding a Pastor”


Staying to the Glory of God: One Preacher’s Death Wish

By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

I’m arguing that instead of asking, “Why stay long-term?” we should be asking, “Why leave?”

Tips for an Interim Pastor

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

Above all else, interim pastors should do these two things: preach the Word and love the people.

You Might Have the Wrong Candidate If…

By Dennis Newkirk | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

You might have the wrong pastoral candidate if . . .

What Not to Do When You’re the New Guy

By Walter Price | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

Your ministry should not be ego-centric, but Christo-centric. Let it be driven by the Lord’s desires for your present church, not by the problems of your former church.

What’s Wrong With Search Committees? Part 1 of 2 on Finding a Pastor

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

If churches were healthier, we’d never need to call together pastoral search committees.

Book Review: Handle That New Call with Care, by David Campbell

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

This book was written to help pastors, their fellow elders, and church members consider the issues that arise when a pastor receives a call from another church.

How can a pastor wisely transition his church from being deacon-led to elder-led?


What are some things to watch out for as I transition my church from being deacon-led to elder-led?

Make sure the congregation understands the Bible’s teaching about elders. In moving to recognize men as elders, you are asking your congregation to understand and implement a biblical practice. This requires you to patiently expound Scripture—engaging the congregation, small groups, and individuals in interpreting and applying God’s Word.

Book Review: Taking Your Church to the Next Level, by Gary McIntosh

Review by Matt Smethurst | 9Marks Journal: Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church | 10.27.2010

I doubt whether this book is a biblically faithful and therefore helpful book for pastors. I’d be more inclined to recommend it to a friend in business than to a pastor.

Book Review: The Mission of God’s People, by Christopher Wright

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church | 10.27.2010

We need to ask “What is the mission of the local church?” not merely “What is the mission of the individual Christian?”

May Women Serve as Pastors?

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 07.01.2010

Women are prohibited from teaching men and from exercising authority over them, and therefore it follows that they must not serve as elders.

Book Review: The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church, by Timothy Witmer

Review by Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 06.25.2010

I found this book so helpful that I’m asking all of our elders and pastoral interns to read it.

Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church

By J. Leeman, M. Lawrence, T. R. Schreiner | 06.01.2010

Why is biblical theology essential for pastoral ministry? How do you do it? Find out in this roundtable discussion with Michael Lawrence, Tom Schreiner, and Jonathan Leeman.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

The Reformation, Then and Now

By M. Dever, M. Reeves | 05.04.2010

Is the Reformation over? Does it matter today? Michael Reeves unpacks the story and theology of the Reformation and exhorts Christians to study the Reformation for the sake of the gospel.