
Single Pastors, Biblical Counseling, and the Local Church

By Bert Daniel | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

How can a single pastor build a constructive counseling ministry in the context of the local church?

Pastoring Discontented Singles

By Jeremy Pierre | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

A basic distinction between fact and interpretation is helpful when pastoring discontented singles.

9 Ways to Pastor Those Longing for Marriage

By Matt Smethurst | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

As you shepherd those longing for a spouse, don’t miss the opportunity to listen, to comfort, and to speak truth in love.

Diagnostic Questions for Ministering to Singles

By Mary Willson | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

As you are preaching through the Scriptures and thinking about applying the text, you might consider whether your text addresses questions like these.

Folding Singles into Family in the Life of the Church

By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

How are the families in your church are doing at loving single people? Do they strive to fold single people into their lives?

Using the Holidays to Host Singles

By Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Here are a few comments intended to encourage you to fold single-adult friends into your special family events.

Singleness, Same-Sex Attraction, and the Church: A Conversation with Sam Allberry, Rosaria Butterfield, and Christopher Yuan

By C. Yuan, R. Butterfield, S. Allberry | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Sam Allberry, Rosaria Butterfield, and Christopher Yuan answer questions on same-sex attraction, singleness, and the church.

Reforming College Dating through Discipleship

By Allen Duty | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Older men in the church can help college men develop a God-honoring approach to dating by encouraging them to imitate godly examples, embrace biblical values, and involve the church.

Sunday School Curriculum: Singleness and Courtship

By 9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.19.2017

Capitol Hill Baptist Church offers a 13-week Sunday School course on singleness and courtship for free on its website. You can find all the manuscripts here.

Mailbag #56: What Makes a “True” Church?

By Jonathan Leeman | 03.17.2017

— Is it okay to tell my church members, “You should never vote for a pro-abortion candidate”? — Would you say churches that don’t practice membership or discipline are not true churches?

Episode 5: On Political Disagreements in the Church

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 03.14.2017

We live in politically contentious times. Jonathan Leeman sat down with Mark Dever to chat about how to pastor people faithfully amidst political disagreement.

How to Critique Sermons: A List of Diagnostic Questions

By Jeff Lacine | 03.08.2017

Here’s a list of 29 questions to ask when you’re giving feedback on a sermon.

Episode 2: On Pastoring in the Age of Social Media

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 02.21.2017

A mere ten years ago, social media didn’t exist. Now it’s everywhere. Jonathan Leeman sits down with Mark Dever to chat about the difficulties of pastoring in the age of social media.

Mailbag #51: Requiring Attendance at a Second Gathering; A Member Who Refuses Baptism

By Jonathan Leeman | 02.10.2017

— Is it okay for churches to require members to attend a second gathering? — I discovered a long-standing member has never been baptized. What do I do?

The Pronouns of the Gospel

By Mike McKinley | 02.02.2017

As a person begins to understand what it means to be part of a church, the “you” and “they” turns to a “we” and “us.”