Preaching through the Bible
4 Reasons You Should Preach Through Zephaniah
By Kyle Schwahn | 05.17.2019You should preach Zephaniah for many reasons. But the greatest is that it will compel you at every turn to preach Christ—crucified, risen, and returning.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Habakkuk
By Jason Seville | 05.03.2019You should preach through Habakkuk because of Epicurus, Luther, Leibniz, and Jesus.
3 Reasons You Should Preach Through Micah
By Mark Livingston | 02.21.2019Just as sure as God used Micah’s words centuries ago, he promises to surely use them now. So you can’t go wrong preaching this book.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Jonah
By Josh Vincent | 02.14.2019The sea Jonah faced looks so small as we consider Jesus standing on the shore looking out upon the seemingly unending sea of God’s wrath.
6 Reasons You Should Preach through Obadiah
By Clint Archer | 01.17.2019Why preach Obadiah? Because your people need to bask in the comfort that God will bring justice to those who target the innocent.
6 Reasons You Should Preach through Amos
By Nathan Loudin | 01.10.2019Has anyone had a church member recently ask, “Hey, when are you going to finally preach a series through Amos?”
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Joel
By Ben Wright | 12.20.2018Joel reaches all the way back to the curses of the Old Covenant and then all the way forward to anticipate the fulfillment of the New Covenant. It walks us from the Pentateuch to Revelation.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Hosea
By Adam Triplett | 12.14.2018Why should pastors preach through the book of Hosea? Consider these four reasons.
3 Reasons to Preach through Daniel
By Josh Manley | 12.07.2018The book of Daniel isn’t about Daniel. The book of Daniel is about Daniel’s God. If what you’ve taught or learned from this soaring book is that you should “dare to be a Daniel,” then I’m afraid you entirely missed the point.
3 Reasons You Should Preach through Ezekiel
By Michael Lawrence | 11.29.2018Unless you’re one of those people that is into arcane prophecy and end-times speculation, then why should you preach the book of Ezekiel? Here are three reasons.
5 Reasons You Should Preach Through Lamentations
By Mark Vroegop | 11.09.2018When you’re preaching through the Bible, don’t neglect Lamentations.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Jeremiah
By Joel Kurz | 11.01.2018Four themes throughout this ancient book will particularly benefit your congregation today.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Isaiah
By Kyle Newcomer | 10.25.2018Here’s the message of Isaiah: the Lord’s day of judgment and salvation is coming, and when it does, his glory will be revealed through his anointed Servant-King.
3 Reasons You Should Preach through The Song of Solomon
By Aaron Menikoff | Church Discipline | 10.18.2018The Song of Songs certainly is about marriage. However, since marriage is a window into the relationship between Christ and the church, the Song of Songs is about the gospel, too.
3 Reasons You Should Preach through Ecclesiastes
By Matt McCullough | 10.11.2018Ecclesiastes surprises people. That’s partly because it says things you don’t expect to hear from the Bible.