
Seven Women’s Ministries in the New Testament

By Jonathan Rourke | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

Here are seven ways we can encourage women to use their spiritual and material resources.

Does the Bible Allow for Women Deacons? Yes, Says Tom Schreiner (with a Response from Alex Strauch)

By A. Strauch, T. R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

Does the Bible allow for women deacons? Yes, says Tom Schreiner.

Should Women Teach? Thoughts on Function, Office, and 1 Timothy 2:12

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

Paul doesn’t merely say that women should not serve as elders. He also says that they should not preach and teach when the church gathers.

What the Psalter Should Teach Us about the Songs We Sing

By Brian Sandifer | 12.02.2019

Though our songs aren’t inspired like the Psalter’s, they can be just as theologically vast and emotionally diverse.

Is the Slippery Slope Actually Slippery? Egalitarianism and the Open-and-Affirming Position

By Colin Smothers | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 11.23.2019

So, is there really a slope between embracing egalitarianism and endorsing homosexuality?

Some Counsel for Christians Leaving Toxic Church Environments

By Lucas O'Neill | 11.15.2019

Recovery for genuine believers who have been damaged by failed churches is a grueling process.

4 Members Who Tear Down the Church

By Chopo Mwanza | 11.08.2019

All these members have a common thread: self-centeredness. They’ve missed the very essence of salvation; they’ve failed to love God and love people with every ounce of their being.

Book Review: Launch, by Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas

Review by Nathan Knight | 10.31.2019

We don’t need to borrow from the business world or their definitions of profit to establish criteria for success and significance.

Content Isn’t Everything — Or, Some Help for the Boring Bible Teacher

By Jamie Dunlop | 10.21.2019

Here are three reasons why content isn’t everything—and four strategies to avoid boring teaching

What Does 2 John Have to Teach Us about Partnering with False Teachers?

By Sean DeMars | 10.18.2019

We must not align ourselves with false teachers, apostate churches, or any of their ministries in any way that will confuse people about the truth of the gospel and the identity of Jesus.

John Bunyan and Pastoral Calling

By Matt Haste | 10.11.2019

Bunyan and the Puritans understood the high calling of the pastorate and were eager to protect the office. They offer a wise example for helping young men determine if they are called by God to serve as pastors today. 

Book Review: Letters to the Church, by Francis Chan

Review by Juan Sanchez | 10.03.2019

Chan offers some penetrating and incisive critiques of the modern church but offers a simplistic solution based on a selective and naïve hermeneutic.

“Is This a Sin?”: Ethical Triage and Church Discipline

By Andrew T. Walker | 10.02.2019

When it comes to ethical conflicts facing local churches, we need to carefully distinguish categories of “may” (permissible), “should/should not” (advisable), and “must” (obligatory).

Why and How We Started a Sunday Evening Service

By Matthew Fletcher | 09.30.2019

On the first Sunday of 2019, our church started a Sunday evening service. Here’s how and why we did it.

A Tale of Two Baptist Associations

By Geoff Chang | 09.23.2019

Let me tell you the tale of two Baptist associations.