The Gospel

An Evangelical-Fundamentalist Convergence?

By Ben Wright | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The Internet has created new opportunities for Fundamentalists and conservative Evangelicals to gain mutual appreciation and understanding.

Theological Triage

By Al Mohler | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The entire structure of Christian truth is now under attack by those who would subvert Christianity’s theological integrity.

When, Why, & Where To Draw Boundaries

By Wayne Grudem | 02.25.2010

Why should Christian organizations draw boundaries at all?

Together for What?

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

We are justified by faith alone, but a justifying faith produces Christians who look more and more like the God they worship.

A Senior Saint on Unity

By Iain H. Murray | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The quest for unity around personalities and preachers . . . is never lasting, although it may seem to have short-lived success.

Fellow Workers For the Truth

By Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

Our love for the gospel is most clear when we delight to see it prosper . . . when other people will be viewed as the human agents of its success.

A Christian Fundamentalist Travel Guide

By Matthew Hoskinson | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

One must differentiate between fundamentalism as an idea and fundamentalism as a movement.

The Gospel & Deliberate Complementarian Pastors

By C. J. Mahaney | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.25.2010

I am convinced that the complementarian position will strengthen the church in her God given-role to proclaim and protect the gospel.

Contextualizing the Gospel in an Egalitarian World

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.25.2010

A pastor should know his congregation, and a Christian should know his non-Christian friend, so they both can exercise wisdom and sensitivity in communicating the gospel.

An Emerging Church Primer

By Justin Taylor | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.25.2010

We need to remember that we are bound by the Word of God to speak the truth in love. Some of us are so wired to “speak the truth” that we fail to do it in love.

The Therapeutic Gospel

By David Powlison | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 02.25.2010

In this new gospel, the great “evils” to be redressed do not call for any fundamental change of direction in the human heart.

How God’s Wrath Equals and Reveals God’s Worth

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 02.25.2010

Wrath and worth are perfectly matched together. The former takes the measure of the latter and expresses itself accordingly. One is as precious as the other.

Good Friday Meditation: A Fitting Crown

By Michael Lawrence | 02.25.2010

Jesus did not claim the throne of Rome or any other empire. No, his claim was over the whole world, the entire creation, and for that only thorns would do.

Third Mark of a Healthy Church MEMBER: Gospel Saturated

By Thabiti Anyabwile | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 02.25.2010

So essential is the gospel to the Christian life that we need to be saturated in it in order to be healthy church members.

Brian McLaren and the Gospel of Here & Now

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 02.25.2010

For all his off-the-cuff casualness, McLaren is nothing if not deliberate. He has an agenda, and it’s to reset altogether the church’s understanding of the gospel.