Book Review: Renaissance, by Os Guinness

Review by Zach Schlegel | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.06.2014

The decline of the church in the West calls for a hope-filled and humble response.

Twenty-Two Problems with Multi-site Churches

By Jonathan Leeman | 10.01.2014

In an age which wants authenticity and reality, multi-site is ironically anti-incarnational: it divides Word from flesh.

Book Review: The Missional Quest, by Lance Ford & Brad Brisco

Review by Brian Davis | 09.29.2014

To make the sending aspect of the church her essence is reductionistic.

Encourage One Another: Giving Grace with Your Words

By Garrett Kell | 09.24.2014

Encouragement is like oxygen in the life of a church. It keeps hearts beating, minds clear, and hands inspired to serve.

Book Review: The Twilight of the American Enlightenment, by George Marsden

Review by Matt McCullough | 09.16.2014

George Marsden offers us a window into a lost world and, to some extent, the story of how that world was lost.

Book Review: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, by Don Whitney

Review by Chris Dendy | 09.12.2014

This updated and revised book will continue to do what its predecessor has done for nearly a quarter-century: serve the church.

Should I Tell My Spouse about Struggles with Sexual Purity?

By Garrett Kell | 08.28.2014

Regardless of where you land on the spectrum, it is important for husbands and wives to develop a plan to help each other fight sexual temptation.

Six Principles For Youth Ministry

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.28.2014

Here are a few biblical principles that we should heed no matter what, and my sense is the many youth groups don’t heed them.

“Open Membership” for Baptists? No Such Thing

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.28.2014

What do we call objective symbols without the subjective realities behind them? Falsehoods.

Non-Congregationalists, Stop Firing Your Church Members!

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.27.2014

Don’t tell me that I formally wear Jesus’ name before the nations, but that I’m powerless to protect his name against false doctrine and false teachers.

High Schoolers: What You Really Want In a College

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.27.2014

Christian, if there is no healthy church nearby, there’s another college for you—somewhere.

Not Strange Enough: “Church Rescue” and the National Geographic Effect

By Bobby Jamieson | 08.26.2014

The TV show Church Rescue is a friendly, innocuous, late-period artifact of the shrinking Bible Belt.

Why Disciple in Groups?

By Robby Gallaty | 08.26.2014

What has been your experience in a discipleship group? Does size matter? If so, how?

Disciple-Making Is Ordinary Christianity

By Erik Raymond | 08.26.2014

You could say that Christianity is more than discipleship, but it is not less.

Five Reasons We Don’t Disciple (Part 4)

By Barry Cooper | 08.26.2014

The deep, wide discipleship we long for in our churches will only come when we stop assuming the gospel, and actually proclaim it.