
Stop Launching Churches! Instead, Covenant Together

By Nathan Knight | 9Marks Journal: Church Mergers and Plants | 07.17.2015

I think we should stop talking about “launching” new church plants and instead refer to them “covenanting” for the first time.

Book Review: Eldership and the Mission of God, by J. R. Briggs and Bob Hyatt

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 07.13.2015

As the culture becomes increasingly hostile towards Christianity we need elders who will keep the dock sure, steady, and unmoved, all the while holding a rope out to those drowning in the water of the culture, looking for solid ground.

Book Review: Better Together, by Jim Tomberlin & Warren Bird

Review by Jamus Edwards | 07.06.2015

If you’re considering a church merger, I commend this book to you. It stirs up the recognition for the desperate need of revitalization in countless churches across the nation.

9Marks at 9 with Dever, Mohler, Platt, Akin, and Charles

By A. Mohler, D. Akin, D. Platt, H. B. Charles, M. Dever | 07.01.2015

Mark Dever sits down with David Platt, R. Albert Mohler Jr., H.B. Charles, and Danny Akin to chat about the current state of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Book Review: Gather God’s People, by Brian Croft and Jason Adkins

Review by Zach Schlegel | 06.30.2015

This book is a concise, helpful introduction for new pastors or church leaders to hone their skills and better their understanding of what the Bible teaches about their task.

You Aren’t as Smart as You Think You Are . . . So Manuscript Your Sermons

By Jason Dees | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015

I’m not as smart as Martyn Lloyd-Jones or Charles Spurgeon, and neither are you. So here are 4 reasons to use manuscripts for your sermons.

Mailbag #9—Lord’s Supper in Small Groups; Elder Disqualified by Unbelieving Wife; Immersion Necessary for Baptism?

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.12.2015

—Is it legitimate to take the Lord’s Supper apart from a local congregation? —Can a man with an unbelieving wife serve as an elder? —Is immersion necessary for baptism?

The Pastor and Counseling—A Conversation with Deepak Reju & Jeremy Pierre

By D. Reju, J. Pierre, J. Leeman | 06.12.2015

How do we apply the gospel to same-sex attraction? Why does a teenager struggling with self-cutting need to hear about justification by faith alone? How in the world can a biblical doctrine of God help a husband prone to anger?

What I’ve Learned After One Year of Preaching God’s Word

By Dallas Goebel | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.03.2015

A good gardener delights in what he plants, and finds joy in seeing the smallest fruit. So it must be for the pastor.

Can Women Teach Under the Authority of Elders?

By Jonathan Leeman | 05.22.2015

Jonathan Leeman continues a conversation with John Piper, Tim Keller, John Frame, Tom Schreiner, and others.

Mailbag #8: Confidentiality among Elders; Meaningful Membership; Can an Elder Be Single?; and Young Earth Creationism

By Jonathan Leeman | 05.04.2015

—How should elders practice confidentiality? —Can an elder/pastor be single? —How do I make membership more meaningful at my church? —Should young earth creationism be a test of orthodoxy?

Book Review: Searching for Sunday, by Rachel Held Evans

Review by Ray Ortlund | 04.28.2015

I am not confident that, if I took this book to heart and swallowed its Christianity whole, I would be ready to stand before God on that great and final day.

Dear New Seminarian . . . Sincerely, Your Baptist Brother

By Matthew J. Hall | 04.22.2015

It seems virtually impossible to single out a handful of books from two millennia of Christian history for you. But you’ll find this sort of list to be commonplace among types like us.

Mailbag #6: Pastors’ Wives, Taking Oaths, Pastors & Administration Work

By Jonathan Leeman | 04.17.2015

—Can I pastor’s wife work outside the home? —Is it permissible to sign a church covenant? Didn’t Jesus forbid oath-taking? —My church wants me to focus more on administration and less on shepherding. Aren’t they misunderstanding what a pastor is?

Mailbag #5: Not Baptizing Children, Small Groups, Elders and Porn—Again 

By Jonathan Leeman | 04.10.2015

—Should we baptize children? —What’s better, small groups or one-on-one discipleship? —How do pastors balance being a model to the flock while still confessing their fallibility?