What are some things to watch out for as I transition my church from being deacon-led to elder-led?

Make sure the congregation understands the Bible’s teaching about elders. In moving to recognize men as elders, you are asking your congregation to understand and implement a biblical practice. This requires you to patiently expound Scripture—engaging the congregation, small groups, and individuals in interpreting and applying God’s Word.
Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Training Pastors

By D. Jackman, M. Dever | 08.27.2010

Can you “make” a preacher or is preaching simply a gift? Find out in this interview with David Jackman, founder of the Cornhill Training Course.

May Women Serve as Pastors?

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 07.01.2010

Women are prohibited from teaching men and from exercising authority over them, and therefore it follows that they must not serve as elders.

Book Review: The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church, by Timothy Witmer

Review by Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 06.25.2010

I found this book so helpful that I’m asking all of our elders and pastoral interns to read it.

Book Review: The New Testament Deacon: The Church’s Minister of Mercy, by Alexander Strauch

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.30.2010

If you want to understand the Bible’s teaching on deacons, this is a great place to start.

How to Separate Deacon Work from Elder Work

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.28.2010

Whether between the pastors and the congregation or within the church’s leadership, division causes Christ’s church to suffer.

The Committee-Free, Task-Specific Deacon

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.28.2010

Let me put this starkly: committees don’t work!

Book Review: Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome, by Kent and Barbara Hughes

Review by Ken Barbic | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.02.2010

This book attempts to bring refreshment to the soul of anyone that has been laboring in the desert of ministry drought—and it is exceptionally successful.

Book Review: God’s Potters: Pastoral Leadership and the Shaping of Congregations, by Jackson W. Carroll

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 03.31.2010

How then should we measure excellence in ministers and churches? We should measure them entirely according to whether they are faithful to living by and proclaiming God’s Word.

How can a young pastor know when to initiate new structural or institutional changes?


A young pastor should consider several matters when considering when to initiate new structural or institutional changes in his church:

A Deacon on a Deacon’s Reward

By John Ingold | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

“Blessed to serve” is a phrase that rolls off the tongue readily enough, though often with less consideration than it deserves

Moving from a Deacon-Led to an Elder-Led Church

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

Rather than a healthy, robust congregationalism, this church practiced congregational micromanagement.

Do We Need To Use the Titles “Elder” and “Deacon”?

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

There are no biblical qualifications for trustees, council members, “leadership teams,” or other titles of our devising.

The Biblical Qualifications and Responsibilities of Deacons

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

The main difference between an elder and a deacon is a difference of gifts and calling, not character.

Deacons: Shock-Absorbers and Servants

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

Elders lead ministry, deacons facilitate ministry, the congregation does ministry. That, I believe, is the New Testament model.