
The Value of a Fraternal

By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 06.11.2014

Off the back of the conversations about accountability, one of the issues that I think many pastors face is that they just don’t know others well enough to have such … keep reading…

What Members Are Asking about Elders

By Aaron Menikoff | 06.11.2014

If you are reading this blog post, you may very well be at a church that is already led by a plurality elders. You may, like me, be at a … keep reading…

Who Should Pick the Music?

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: The Church Singing | 04.23.2014

Three reasons why a pastor should choose a church’s songs.

Nine Marks of a Healthy Worship Leader

By Alex Duke | 9Marks Journal: The Church Singing | 04.23.2014

“Whoa, those people love to sing about Jesus!” is always better than “Man, that guy is great!”

Should Your Second Hire Be a Music Pastor?

By Bob Kauflin | 9Marks Journal: The Church Singing | 04.23.2014

A music pastor says, “Not necessarily.”

Music and Meaning: All Forms Are Valid

By Harold Best | 9Marks Journal: The Church Singing | 04.23.2014

Musical forms and genres are no more unredeemed or redeemed than a mountain sunset or a computer or a jazz tune.

Music and Meaning: Some Forms Are Better than Others

By Ken Myers | 9Marks Journal: The Church Singing | 04.23.2014

Christians adept at defending propositional truths often neglect to discern non-propositional meaning.

Pastoring the Idle

By Owen Strachan | 01.25.2014

It is not you, ultimately, who builds the church and awakens the idle. It is Almighty God. He loves your people far more than you do

Book Review: Embracing Shared Ministry, by Joseph Hellerman

Review by Kevin McFadden | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014

This book fails to explain clearly Paul’s theology and its implications for the church.

Do You Know What Your Missionaries Actually Teach?!

By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014

Love the gospel, protect it, and guard it. And for the love of all things good and holy, please stop sending missionaries if they don’t.

Book Review: The Pastor’s Justification, by Jared Wilson

Review by Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism - Part 2 | 10.25.2013

Buy it. Read it. Give it to your elders. Then read it again.

The Twin Temptations of Pragmatism and Authoritarianism

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Pragmatism and authoritarianism are opposite errors in a philosophy of ministry. But what’s striking is what they have in common.

When Is Pragmatism Prudent?

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Finding the boundary between commands and sanctified common sense.

The Sufficiency of Scripture

By Carl Trueman | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

What does it mean that Scripture is sufficient? And what is it sufficient for?

Confessions of a Recovering Pragmatic Pastor

By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

How one pastor found pragmatism exhausting and man-centered, then found a better way.