Episode 70: On Church Revitalization (with Aaron Menikoff & Andy Davis)
By A. Menikoff, A. Davis, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 01.08.2019What do pastors in the throes of church revitalization need to know? In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan interviews Mark and two other pastors who went through a revitalization, Andy Davis and Aaron Menikoff.
You Can’t Preach Christ Without Preaching Depravity
By Bradley Larson | 01.02.2019If we aim to preach Christ in our churches, then we must preach about what he endured and overcame on the cross.
Best Books for Pastors in 2018
By Alex Duke | 12.21.2018We asked pastors from around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2018 that helped you be a better pastor?
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Joel
By Ben Wright | 12.20.2018Joel reaches all the way back to the curses of the Old Covenant and then all the way forward to anticipate the fulfillment of the New Covenant. It walks us from the Pentateuch to Revelation.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Hosea
By Adam Triplett | 12.14.2018Why should pastors preach through the book of Hosea? Consider these four reasons.
3 Reasons to Preach through Daniel
By Josh Manley | 12.07.2018The book of Daniel isn’t about Daniel. The book of Daniel is about Daniel’s God. If what you’ve taught or learned from this soaring book is that you should “dare to be a Daniel,” then I’m afraid you entirely missed the point.
Book Review: Some Pastors and Teachers, by Sinclair Ferguson
Review by Mike McGregor | 11.30.2018This excellent new book could rightly be called “The Collected Works of Sinclair Ferguson on Pastoral Ministry.”
3 Reasons You Should Preach through Ezekiel
By Michael Lawrence | 11.29.2018Unless you’re one of those people that is into arcane prophecy and end-times speculation, then why should you preach the book of Ezekiel? Here are three reasons.
Bad Biblical Theology Leads to Bad Sermons
By Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: What's Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today? | 11.19.2018All of us—not just preachers—should beware bad biblical theology. But what exactly does bad biblical theology look like?
Four Lessons on Church Revitalization from John Knox
By Geoff Chang | 11.15.2018Did you know that John Knox—the champion of the Scottish Reformation, the fearless preacher, the uncompromising prophet—was once defeated by a church business meeting?
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Jeremiah
By Joel Kurz | 11.01.2018Four themes throughout this ancient book will particularly benefit your congregation today.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Isaiah
By Kyle Newcomer | 10.25.2018Here’s the message of Isaiah: the Lord’s day of judgment and salvation is coming, and when it does, his glory will be revealed through his anointed Servant-King.
Is expositional preaching the best way to preach?
By Mark Dever | 10.24.2018God’s word — more than the cleverness of the preacher — is far better prepared to help us see the world around us.
3 Reasons You Should Preach through The Song of Solomon
By Aaron Menikoff | Church Discipline | 10.18.2018The Song of Songs certainly is about marriage. However, since marriage is a window into the relationship between Christ and the church, the Song of Songs is about the gospel, too.
An Open Letter to the Preacher Writing a Sermon
By Lewis Allen | 10.17.2018Dear fellow preacher, I want to say one thing to you today as you work on your sermon.